With guest host Jane Clayson.
House Republicans unveiled their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. But the devil’s in the details. We’ll dig in.
House Republicans have released their Affordable Care Act replacement plan. After seven years of promises the release was met with opposition on both sides of the aisle. Democrats say it’s too much. Many Republicans call it Obamacare-Lite. President Trump has come out in support and warned of a “bloodbath” if it is not passed. This hour On Point, the Republican prescription for American healthcare.
Noam Levey, national healthcare correspondent for the Los Angeles Times. (@NoamLevey)
Jonathan Cohn, senior national healthcare correspondent for The Huffington Post. Author of “Sick.” (@CitizenCohn)
Paul Howard, senior fellow and director of health policy at the Manhattan Institute. Co-author, with Peter Huber of “Unlocking Precision Medicine.” (@PaulHowardMI)
Karen Tumulty, national political correspondent for the Washington Post. (@ktumulty)
From The Reading List
Los Angeles Times: House Republicans unveil Obamacare replacement plan that would sharply reduce coverage and cut federal role — “House Republicans released a long-awaited Obamacare replacement Monday that would dismantle the healthcare law’s extensive system for expanding health insurance coverage to millions of Americans. The legislation, the first such bill that House Republican leaders have produced, would eliminate hundreds of billions of dollars of federal aid that has allowed states to expand their Medicaid programs to millions of previously uninsured poor people.”
Huffington Post: Paul Ryan Calls Obamacare Repeal Plan An ‘Act Of Mercy — “‘An act of mercy.’ That was House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) on Tuesday, talking about the new Obamacare repeal bill ― a proposal that, according to an early estimate, could make up to 10 million people newly uninsured.”
Washington Post: The debate over the Affordable Care Act is really a debate over wealth redistribution — “Redistribution of wealth — one of the most radioactive subjects in American politics — has moved from being a subtext in the national debate over health care to being the core of it. Politicians prefer to talk about health reform in terms of benefits — extending medical coverage to those who lack it, curbing increases in costs and improving quality.”
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