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David Ignatius On Russia, China, The Middle East And 'The Quantum Spy'

Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. (Richard Drew/AP)
Washington Post columnist David Ignatius. (Richard Drew/AP)

Washington Post foreign affairs columnist David Ignatius on the President in Asia, the Russia investigation and his new thriller, “The Quantum Spy.” He joins us.

This show will air Tuesday at 11 a.m. EST. 

We’ve got a world in motion right now in a whole lot of power centers.  A purge of princes in Saudi Arabia.  North Korea threatening nuclear hellfire.  A US president threatening back.  Russia under investigation in Washington.  China, going openly now for global eminence.  Washington Post foreign affairs writer David Ignatius is watching it all.  And he’s written a new thriller on US and Chinese spies duking it out for dominance.  This hour, On Point:  David Ignatius, on the world we see and the world we don’t. —Tom Ashbrook


David Ignatiusforeign affairs columnist for the Washington Post and author of “The Quantum Spy.” (@IgnatiusPost)

Bradley Martin, North Korea watcher and author of the new novel “Nuclear Blues.” (@bradleykmartin)

From Tom’s Reading List:

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