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Supreme Court Upholds Trump Travel Ban

With John Harwood

The Supreme Court ruled today in one of the most contentious policies of the Trump administration – and it was a big decision. The Court upheld the travel ban that has kept most people from five Muslim-majority countries out of the United States. Reaction is fast and in some cases furious. We’re taking it all onboard.


Gadeir Abbas, senior litigation attorney at CAIR. (@gadeirabbas)

From The Reading List:

The New York Times: Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban” — “President Trump acted lawfully in imposing limits on travel from several predominantly Muslim nations, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday.

The vote was 5 to 4, with the court’s conservatives in the majority.

The court’s decision, a major statement on presidential power, marked the conclusion of a long-running dispute over Mr. Trump’s authority to make good on his campaign promises to secure the nation’s borders.

Just a week after he took office, Mr. Trump issued his first travel ban, causing chaos at the nation’s airports and starting a cascade of lawsuits and appeals. The first ban, drafted in haste, was promptly blocked by courts around the nation.

A second version, issued two months later, fared little better, although the Supreme Court allowed part of it go into effect last June when it agreed to hear the Trump administration’s appeals from court decisions blocking it. But the Supreme Court dismissed those appeals in October after the second ban expired.”

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