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The Merian Ensemble

This Friday's concert (7/29) features an encore broadcast of The Merian Ensemble's "Listen: Works by Women 2022 Journeys Home," which featured music by European and American women composers from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, through contemporary works.

For this special broadcast we head down to just northeast of Atlanta to the private research institution that has been around since 1836, Emory University and a concert in the ‘Music at Emory’ series featuring the 5 musicians that make up The Merian Ensemble. Comprised of five women musicians from The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra - principal harp Elisabeth Remy Johnson, principal flute Christina Smith, oboist Emily Brebach, clarinetist Marci Gurnow and violist Jessica Oudin - the ensemble is dedicated to performing and commissioning works by women composers.

We’ll hear the concert they gave on March 22 called ‘Listen: Works by Women 2022 Journeys Home’ featuring music by both European & American composers from the
late 19th & early 20th centuries up to the present including a world premiere performance of a work by Welsh composer Lynnne Plowman.