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What's ahead on The Classical Network? Catch some of these great programs coming your way. Information on evening concert broadcasts of the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and other nationally broadcast performances can be found on our home page.

The Lost Chord: May 3 - Nippon Notes from Naxos

How much Western-style classical music composed in the East ever makes it to the West?  Not much, unfortunately.  Happily, some record companies venture where concert programmers won’t.  Tune in to hear selections from Naxos’ “Japanese Classics Series,” including Kiyoshige Koyama’s variations on a woodcutter’s song, “Kobiki-Uta” (1957), Qunihico Hashimoto’s symphonic suite “Heavenly Maiden and Fisherman” (1933), and Komei Abe’s neoclassical Symphony No. 1 (1957).  Armchair travelers, your passage is paid.  Music brings us all closer.  Expand your horizons, this Sunday at 10 pm.