On this week’s episode of the ASCAP Deems Taylor Virgil Thomson Award winning program Between the Keys, The Classical Network’s Artist-in-Residence Jed DIstler creates musical diptychs, in which he creates improbable yet very plausible pairings of piano pieces.
“For example, I use various Promenades from Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition to lead into works by Malipiero, Fauré and Chopin,” Distler explains. Then I take works of Scriabin and Brahms that have a similar expressive sensibility, and I juxtapose them, even though these two composers are polar opposites. Basically this whole episode builds upon the possibilities of such pairings.”
Join Jed Distler this Tuesday night June 29th at 10, with a rebroadcast Wednesday June 30th at noon for musical diptychs on Between the Keys Episode 314, exclusively on The Classical Network and WWFM.org.