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Boleros and Barcarolles on Between the Keys April 2nd

This week’s episode of the ASCAP Deems Taylor Virgil Thomson Award winning program Between the Keys is devoted to Boleros and Barcarolles.

Join The Classical Network’s Artist-in-Residence Jed Distler for music by Poulenc, Hallfter, Chopin, Griffes, Busoni, Poulenc, Casadesus and Rorem, among others. Pianists include such luminaries as Leon Fleisher, David Alan Wehr, Raymond Lewenthal, Frank Merrick, Jean-Philippe Collard, and Alicia de Larrocha.

Proudly sponsored by Jacobs Music Company, Between the Keys airs this Tuesday night at 10, April 2nd, exclusively on The Classical Network and WWFM.Org.