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The French Connection on Between the Keys January 21st

Tonight's episode of the ASCAP Deems Taylor Virgil Thomson Award winning program Between the Keys is called The French Connection. It’s not about the famous film of the same name, but is rather a celebration of women who have helped shape the world and culture of French pianism. 

Join The Classical Network’s Artist-in-Residence Jed Distler with performances by Gaby Casadesus, Evelyne Crochet, Germaine Thyssens-Valentin, Jacqueline Eymar, Marcelle Meyer, Henriette Faure, Yvonne, Loriod, Fanny Azzuro, Hélène Grimaud and Jeanne-Marie Darré, tonight, Tuesday January 21st at 10 for Between the Keys, an exclusive production of The Classical Network and