On Point Live hits Boston. Van Jones, Celeste Ng and Josh Ritter joined us Friday night at the city’s historic Faneuil Hall.
Everybody’s got an opinion on where the country stands now. We’re listening and listening. For this hour, we’ve sat down with political commentator Van Jones, who says liberals and conservatives all need to think again. With novelist Celeste Ng, who’s “Little Fires Everywhere” is the novel of the season. With singer Josh Ritter, who brings an artist’s eye to the country’s moment. And we’ve done it with a live audience in Boston. This hour, On Point: On Point Live, on the country right now. — Tom Ashbrook.
Van Jones, CNN political analyst and author of “Beyond The Messy Truth: How We Came Apart And How We Come Together.” (@VanJones68)
Celeste Ng, best-selling author of the novels “Little Fires Everywhere” and “Everything I Never Told You.” (@pronounced_ing)
Josh Ritter, singer-songwriter whose new album is “Gathering.” (@JoshRitter)
From Tom’s Reading List:
NY Post: Both The Dems And GOP Have Shot Themselves In The Foot — “Democrats and Republicans are doomed unless they focus on what really matters: making progress for all Americans. In this new book excerpt, CNN journalist Van Jones reveals what’s holding each party back.”
Paste: “We’re Starting to Realize That You Can’t Ignore Race.” Celeste Ng Talks Her New Novel — “As an example, Ng cites the reactions to the tragedy in Charlottesville: “Something that people are going to have to reckon with now is the feeling of, ‘Well, I don’t know if I want to go march in the street…Well, I do really condemn what happened at Charlottesville, but I don’t know what I can do about it. I don’t want to stir up trouble; I don’t want to call attention to myself.’ And a lot of that has to do with fear for people who are marginalized already and then discomfort for the people who are privileged.”
Huffington Post: Josh Ritter: A Full Plate for “Gathering” — “‘Gathering’ is the portrait of an eminently listenable and appealing artist who constantly requires new domains to occupy, new worlds to conquer. Indeed, he’s dedicated to challenging his preexisting beliefs as a lyricist and musician rather than just tediously and comfortably confirming them.”
More photos from the event
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