Is this the end for net neutrality? President Trump’s FCC chief moves to eliminate it. What could your Internet look like when the net isn’t neutral?
This show airs Tuesday at 11 a.m. EST.
Klint Finley, senior writer for Wired. (@klintron)
Gigi Sohn, former senior adviser to ex-FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute For Technology Law & Policy. (@gigibsohn)
Christopher Yoo, Chestnut Professor of Law, Commuication and Computer & Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
From Tom’s Reading List:
Wired: Here’s How The End Of Net Neutrality Will Change The Internet — “Internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon may soon be free to block content, slow video-streaming services from rivals, and offer “fast lanes” to preferred partners. For a glimpse of how the internet experience may change, look at what broadband providers are doing under the existing ‘net neutrality’ rules.
When AT&T customers access its DirecTV Now video-streaming service, the data doesn’t count against their plan’s data limits. Verizon, likewise, exempts its Go90 service from its customers’ data plans. T-Mobile allows multiple video and music streaming services to bypass its data limits, essentially allowing it to pick winners and losers in those categories.”
From its birth, the Internet’s been neutral. Open to all, serving all. Tap a site, start a site, and you’re in the game. Last week, Donald Trump’s FCC laid out its plan to end that. To end net neutrality. It’s on a super-fast track now. Republicans have a majority on the FCC. A final vote is slated for December 14. FCC chair Ajit Pai says no more micromanagement. Critics say it’s a gift to cable and phone companies, and you will pay. This hour, On Point: Ending net neutrality. —Tom Ashbrook
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