Silicon Valley, with its array of technology companies, has become synonymous with creativity, and given the correlation between science nerds and music geeks, it was almost inevitable that someone would find a way to combine these two interests into a fun-filled and fulfilling venture. The result is Techapella, an annual concert showcasing the variety of a cappella ensembles that have sprung up at the region's tech companies, including Twitter's Songbirds, Facebook's The Vocal Network, and the Pintunes at Pinterest, just to name a few. A Tempo this Saturday (10/20) talks with representatives from some of the groups - Alexandra Langston of 23andMe's Chromotones, Michael Patashnik of Google's Alphabeats, and Alex Feldman of Dropbox's Syncopation and an inter-company group called Internote. This year features two concerts - one held on Oct. 15 at the Fox Theatre in Redwood City, which raised funds for the Bay Area music organization, Music for Minors, and another performance Nov. 4 at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, which will raise money for the conservatory's Music Scholarship Fund.

Host Rachel Katz will also speak with Michael Roest, Associate Dean and Executive Director of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music Pre-College and Adult Extension Program, which is hosting the sixth annual event November 4.
(Note: The Inter-company a cappella group is incorrectly identified in the audio segment. The name is "Internote," not "The Internotes." We apologize for the error).