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Panel Discussion Celebrates Legacy of Agnes De Mille

A Tempo this Saturday (4/1 at 7 pm) features a conversation with two of the panelists on an upcoming discussion about Agnes de Mille and how the female characters she created influenced the evolution of American dance.

This October will mark the 30th anniversary of Agnes de Mille’s passing, and the De Mille Working Group has lined up a series of events to remember her and explore her legacy. A Tempo host Rachel Katz this week speaks with two panelists on an April 3 discussion and performance called “Agnes de Mille and the Female Narrative.” Her guests will be Diana Gonzalez-Duclert, De Mille’s former rehearsal assistant to De Mille and currently Associate director and repetiteur of the De Mille Working Group, and Princeton University dance faculty member Kathleen Moore, a former principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre who danced the lead in several of De Mille’s ballets and was able to work with her.

Rachel Katz is the host of A Tempo which airs Saturdays at 7 pm.