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Between the Keys' Bagatelle Buffet on November 13th

This week’s episode of the ASCAP Deems Taylor Virgil Thomson Award winning program Between the Keys is devoted to the art of the piano Bagatelle, with music by Beethoven, Ježek, Sibelius, Howard Ferguson, Dvorak, Poulenc, Edison Denisov, Saint-Saëns, Marie Jaëll, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Nikolai Kapustin and Edison Denisov. There’ll also be a Bagatelle by the Classical Network’s Artist-in-Residence Jed Distler, who is the creator, producer and host of Between the Keys.

"Bagatelles generally are short and humorous, and written to sound spontaneous, off-the-cuff," says Distler." "Yet there are serious Bagatelles, too, and some are rather rigorously composed. It's a pretty open genre, actually. In fact, I've been composing Bagatelles by the bucketful this past year. It's positively addictive."

Don't miss Between the Keys' Bagatelle Buffet, this Tuesday night November 13th at 10 PM, only here on the Classical Network.