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What's ahead on The Classical Network? Catch some of these great programs coming your way. Information on evening concert broadcasts of the New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and other nationally broadcast performances can be found on our home page.

Distant Mirror: Sept. 6 - Viol Music from Jacobean England

It's the music of Orlando Gibbins and William Lawes on this Friday's (9/6) Distant Mirror as Fretwork performs consort music for viols  from the early Stuart period in England:  Fantasias, pavans, in nomines and almans. Fretwork is joined by lutenist Christopher Wilson and organist Paul Nicholson. Then hear more chansons inspired by the great medieval French masterpiece The Romance of the Rose.  Selections by Machaut, Binchois and Dufay.  Alla Francesca performs.  Join Allan Kelly at 10pm.