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PostClassical: September 17, 2021: Encore Broadcast of Part 1 from Native American Inspirations

A very special encore broadcast of Post Classical featuring Post Classical Ensemble based in Washington DC. This series is hosted by author and music historian and co-founder of Post Classical Ensemble Joseph Horowitz, the Music Director of PostClassical Ensemble Maestro Angel Gil-Ordonez and the host of Exploring Music Bill McGlaughlin. Back in 2019 WWFM aired two episodes titled 'Native American Inspirations' ( still up on this site as a two-part webcast) and featured music from the American Indianist Movement from the late 19th and early 20th century with episode one focusing on the music of Arthur Farwell and this is the episode rebroadcast here as the new Naxos CD of Farwell’s music as produced by PostClassical will be released in a few weeks.

Part 1 Listening Guide

01:02: Farwell: Pawnee Horses for a cappella chorus, performed by the University of Texas Chamber Singers conducted by James Morrow
3:02: Introducing Arthur Farwell
8:52: Farwell: Pawnee Horses for solo piano, performed by Benjamin Pasternack, then by Emanuele Arciuli
15:25: Farwell: Pawnee Horses for a cappella chorus (reprise)
20:25: Farwell: Navajo War Dance No. 2 performed by Emanuele Arciuli
26:42: William Sharp introduces Three Indian Songs by Arthur Farwell and discusses “cultural appropriation”
33:42: Farwell’s “Song of the Deathless Voice” introduced and performed (35:40) by William Sharp with pianist Emanuele Arciuli
39:32: Farwell’s “Inketunga’s Thunder Song” introduced and performed (39:40) by William Sharp with pianist Emanuele Arciuli
43:18: Farwell’s “Old Man’s Love Song” introduced by William Sharp
45:20: A pertinent wax cylinder recording from the 1890s
51:41: Farwell’s “Old Man’s Love Song” performed by William Sharp and Emanuele Arciuli

Part 2

Part 2 Listening Guide

3:30: David Osenberg and Joe Horowitz’s discuss Arthur Farwell and his Hako String Quartet
12:50: Farwell: Hako String Quartet (broadcast premiere of the world premiere recording on Naxos)
35:26: Larghetto from Dvorak’s Violin Sonata (Netanel Draiblate and Emanuele Arciuli) preceded by the pertinent Longfellow passage read by William Sharp
44:45: Busoni Indian Diary No. 1 performed by Emanuele Arciuli
59:20: Farwell: Navajo War Dance No. 2 performed by Emanuele Arciuli

David Osenberg is WWFM Partnership Manager, WWFM Music Director, Afternoon Host, and Host of award-winning Cadenza.